+91 94813 05876
⇶ Prosthetic Series

Two tone malocclusion model with plastic articulator demonstrating all kind of malocclusion classes. Models are available individually.

DECB-001 Single tooth missing implant vs bridge

Upper 2nd left and right bicuspid and right central are missing. Effective model to show the advantage of a single implant compared with a bridge.


  • Protecing residual teeth.
  • Anchored as natural teeth in the jaw bone for chewing without any uncomfortable feeling.
  • Biting strength is restored as natural teeth.
  • Jaw bone is not atrophied easily.


  • Food particles clog up betweenpontic and gingivae easily.
  • Growing pressure on adjacent teeth will be the reason for tooth loss.
  • Both adjacent teeth have to be prepared even though these are healthy teeth to make a bridge.
DECB-002 Intermediary defect implant (w/transparent window) vs bridge

Upper right & left #4,5, 6 are missing and having ample remaining bone. Window to view and understand the dental implant as an ample post on the right molar.


  • Jaw bone is not easily atrophied. Protecting residual teeth.
  • To anchor in the jaw bone and can chew without uncomortable feeling.


  • Food particles easily clog up between the pontic and gingivae.
  • Growing pressure on adjacent teeth will be the reason for tooth loss.
  • Both adjacent teeth have to be prepared even though these are healthy teeth to make a bridge.
DECB-003 Free-end defect implant vs partial denture

Both right & left molar are missing but having ample remaining bone. To demonstrate the problem of having a denture to patients.

image image


  • Protecting the remaining teeth.
  • Anchored as natural teeth in the jaw bone for chewing without any uncomfortable feeling.
  • Jaw bone is not atrophied easily.

Partial Denture

  • One bicuspid supports the denture and a clasp and alveolar ridge are under strain.
  • Submersion or lateral pressure may cause lateral movement.
DECB-004 Crown and bridge
to explain and suggest various types of crown and bridge restorations to patients.
  • Crown and bridge
  • Right 7th. Porcelain Inlay
  • Right 6th. Gold Crown
  • Right 1st. Porcelain Jacket
  • Left 1st. Veneer
  • Left 3rd-5th. Ceramic Bridge